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Jasa Pengiriman

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Bank Pembayaran

No. Rek: 135-00-1073212-9
An. Ayu Lisafitri

No. Rek: 0199764478
An. Ayu lisafitri

No. Rek: 0142-01118658466
An. Ayu Lisafitri

Characteristics & Harvest

 Characteristics & Harvest : The fruit can be harvested after barking at the tree ripe , usually aged 6 months after anthesis ( anthesis ) . It is characterized by scales that have rarely , red fruit skin color blackish or dark yellow , and the feathers were missing . End of the fruit peel ( fruit section that tapers ) feels soft when pressed . Signs of fruit that are old , according to other sources are : color shiny ( greasy ) , when plucked easily detached fNAGALAUT.COM Agen Judi Bola Online Piala Dunia 2014, SBOBET, IBCBET Terbaik dan Terpercaya di Indonesia rom the stem bark of fruit and flavorful .
How to Harvest How to harvest : since the ripe fruits are not in unison , then the quotation select . that need to be considered within the picking if the fruits will keep for months, or immediately eaten . When will be stored longer plucking done when the old fruits ( Java : gemadung ) , so do not be too old cult . Fruits that are not durable sintered saved . Harvesting is done by cutting the fruit stalk stems .
Harvest Period : Plant bark within harvest time there are 4 seasons :
Harvest in November , December & January
Harvest was in the month of May, June & July
Small harvest in the months of February , March and April.
Blank period / break in the months August, September and October. When in these months there are so -called fruit fruits slandren . According to another source a large harvest of fruits is between the months of October to January .
Production forecasts : crop cultivation within barking , results that can be achieved within a single growing season is 15 tonnes per hectare .

9 . Postharvest SALAKAs with other fruits , fruits are easily damaged and not durable . Damage is characterized by a foul odor and meat as well as fruit becomes mushy brownish . Once the fruits are picked still continue the process of life in the form of physiological processes ( changes in color , respiration , the biochemical and functional overhaul in the presence of decomposition by microorganisms ) . So that the fruits can not be stored longer fresh juncture , it is necessary to post-harvest handling .9.1 . Collection : the collection serves as a warehouse receiver fruits derived from the farmer or gardener . This collection bonded done : sorting , grading and packaging .9.2 . Sorting & Classification : Sorting / selection aims to select fruit that is good, no defects , and worthy of export . uga aims to clean up the fruits of the various materials that are useless like stalks , twigs and dirt . The materials are cut with a knife , scythe , sharp pruning shears does not rust so that no damage to the fruit . Grading / classification aims to :

got the result that uniform pieces ( size & quality )
facilitate the formulation within the container / container / container tools
get a price which is higher
stimulate interest in buying

KAISARBET.COM AGEN BOLA TERPERCAYA PIALA DUNIA 2014    so that the calculation easier
to estimate revenue while .

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