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For planting carrots, beans should

For planting carrots, beans should be planted directly in the distributed manner of cropping land, it is recommended because when using the nursery, usually when the transfer of the seedlings to the planting area a lot of damage to the roots so the plants are not growing well. Carrot seeds are very small size, so as to facilitate the planting of seeds mixed with clay to form larger granules and easily sown. Seed treatment (seed treatment) needs to be done either with a fungicide or by soaking the seeds in hot water to prevent the development of seed-borne pathogens. Planted carrot seeds with planting depth of approximately 3-5 cm, ituPoker.net Agen Judi Domino 99 Online  or even planted in the ground without a closed back. High wind speeds can damage new seedlings grow, so it is advisable to plant crops such as turnip barrier along the lines of the plant and then harvest when the plants have grown carrots well. The recommended plant density varies depending on the purpose of planting carrots. When grown for sale in the form of fresh produce grown carrots with density 175 plants / m 2, when the product requires a small planting density of 250 plants / m 2, and when it requires large-sized products, crops planted with planting density of 100 plants / m2.

4 Fertilization
Good soil for cultivation of carrot is soil rich in organic matter, with low salinity and does not contain toxic compounds. Manure is used as fertilizer base, 1.5 kg / m 2. Fertilizers such as urea 100 kg / ha, 100 kg TSP / ha and 30 kg KCl / ha.

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