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No. Rek: 135-00-1073212-9
An. Ayu Lisafitri

No. Rek: 0199764478
An. Ayu lisafitri

No. Rek: 0142-01118658466
An. Ayu Lisafitri
Morphology Vanilla
Vanilla plant stems about the size of a finger, green, rather soft, segmented and jointed. The average length of 15 cm. Plants attached to a tree or pole that has been provided.
BOLAWIN88.COM PUSAT BANDAR TARUHAN AGEN JUDI BOLA CASINO POKER BOLATANGKAS DAN TOGEL ONLINE TERPERCAYA INDONESIAVanilla leaf is a single leaf. It is criss-cross on each book. The color is bright green, with a continuation of 10-25 cm and 5-7 cm wide. Flat leaf shape, fleshy, oval, oblong or oblong with a pointed tip. Parallel vein, looked after the old leaves or dried up, while the leaves are still young at the time was not apparent.
Vanilla flower arrangements flower cluster is composed of 15-20 flowers. Flowers axillary leaf out of the bud stem. Form of flowers sitting, blue-green rather pale, 4-8 cm long and somewhat fragrant smell.
Vanilla flower petals consists of 6 (3 sepals, 3 petals) are located in two circles. Outer floral leaves (sepals) slightly larger than the inside of the petal. One of petalnya change shape, roll up like a funnel called LIPS (ROSTELUM).
In Mexico the vanilla plant can bear fruit because there are insects that help pollination.
Pistil of the flower vanilla sealed by the lips, so naturally hindered pollination, anthers (anther) contains two pollen grains, located higher than the anthers. The specialty of interest vinili which contains a liquid adhesive stigma head. When the pollen is placed there will soon be attached and terjadilahpembuahan.
JOKIBET.COM Agen Casino Online Terpercaya Vanilla flower that has bloomed only lasted one day. If the flower has bloomed it was not immediately mated, will wilt and then fall out. Therefore it must be frequently around the garden to control the development of vanilla.
A good time to marry the vanilla flower is in the morning. The days of wet and dry all good for pollination. Success or failure of pollination will appear after two or three days. Successfully pollinated flower will change color to become paler. Six leaves of the flowers will wilt but still attached to the stalk flowers bunches of flowers. Successfully pollinated flowers were not going to fall. After fertilization occurs between 10-15 fruits, flowers are still buds in bunches should be trimmed, so that food substances inhaled by plants and accumulated in the formation of fruit enlargement.
At the time of blooming flowers, 2-4 cm long ovaries with a diameter of 5 mm. One week after pollination the ovary it can reach a length of 8-10 cm. Five weeks later the fruit has reached the maximum length of 20-25 cm, with a diameter of 1.5 cm. Once the fruit reaches maximum development, five or six months and then the fruit will ripen.
DAUNPOKER.NET AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYAEarly fruit color light green, dark green and then accompanied with yellow stripes before cooking. Ripe fruit that has dark brown. If left to cook in the tree, the fruit will be split into two parts, and spread the scent vanili.Biji into small pieces, a lot of numbers in black and measures about 0.2 mm. 9. Flowering and Pollination
Vanilla plant stems about the size of a finger, green, rather soft, segmented and jointed. The average length of 15 cm. Plants attached to a tree or pole that has been provided.
BOLAWIN88.COM PUSAT BANDAR TARUHAN AGEN JUDI BOLA CASINO POKER BOLATANGKAS DAN TOGEL ONLINE TERPERCAYA INDONESIAVanilla leaf is a single leaf. It is criss-cross on each book. The color is bright green, with a continuation of 10-25 cm and 5-7 cm wide. Flat leaf shape, fleshy, oval, oblong or oblong with a pointed tip. Parallel vein, looked after the old leaves or dried up, while the leaves are still young at the time was not apparent.
Vanilla flower arrangements flower cluster is composed of 15-20 flowers. Flowers axillary leaf out of the bud stem. Form of flowers sitting, blue-green rather pale, 4-8 cm long and somewhat fragrant smell.
Vanilla flower petals consists of 6 (3 sepals, 3 petals) are located in two circles. Outer floral leaves (sepals) slightly larger than the inside of the petal. One of petalnya change shape, roll up like a funnel called LIPS (ROSTELUM).
In Mexico the vanilla plant can bear fruit because there are insects that help pollination.
Pistil of the flower vanilla sealed by the lips, so naturally hindered pollination, anthers (anther) contains two pollen grains, located higher than the anthers. The specialty of interest vinili which contains a liquid adhesive stigma head. When the pollen is placed there will soon be attached and terjadilahpembuahan.
JOKIBET.COM Agen Casino Online Terpercaya Vanilla flower that has bloomed only lasted one day. If the flower has bloomed it was not immediately mated, will wilt and then fall out. Therefore it must be frequently around the garden to control the development of vanilla.
A good time to marry the vanilla flower is in the morning. The days of wet and dry all good for pollination. Success or failure of pollination will appear after two or three days. Successfully pollinated flower will change color to become paler. Six leaves of the flowers will wilt but still attached to the stalk flowers bunches of flowers. Successfully pollinated flowers were not going to fall. After fertilization occurs between 10-15 fruits, flowers are still buds in bunches should be trimmed, so that food substances inhaled by plants and accumulated in the formation of fruit enlargement.
At the time of blooming flowers, 2-4 cm long ovaries with a diameter of 5 mm. One week after pollination the ovary it can reach a length of 8-10 cm. Five weeks later the fruit has reached the maximum length of 20-25 cm, with a diameter of 1.5 cm. Once the fruit reaches maximum development, five or six months and then the fruit will ripen.
DAUNPOKER.NET AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYAEarly fruit color light green, dark green and then accompanied with yellow stripes before cooking. Ripe fruit that has dark brown. If left to cook in the tree, the fruit will be split into two parts, and spread the scent vanili.Biji into small pieces, a lot of numbers in black and measures about 0.2 mm. 9. Flowering and Pollination
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