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No. Rek: 135-00-1073212-9
An. Ayu Lisafitri

No. Rek: 0199764478
An. Ayu lisafitri

No. Rek: 0142-01118658466
An. Ayu Lisafitri

The number of seeds to be sown depends

The number of seeds to be sown depends on pond fertility and management level . However , when natural food ( klekap , algae , plankton ) is available. So to be able to do the stocking of milkfish milkfish with solid penbaran 30-60 ekor/m2 ( sizes between 0.005 to 0.007 grams ) .
Dense stocking must be balanced with the natural food supply . When stimulating natural food such as plankton klekap and more rapidly with f
Usahaertilization . Exact calculation of the stocking is filled up to one hectare 5000 - 7000 fish / ha .4 . Monitoring GrowthThe development is highly dependent on the density of milkfish fry stocking . In one hectare can be stocked in 1000 tail on nursery plots . Nener be a rapid progression if the water is in a state of clear and abundant plankton and klekap . Water clarity make it easier for the fish to memproleh food because his vision is not obstructed . Supplementary feeding comes from fine bran mixed with fertilizers that can spur the growth of the fish .Having been in the nursery plots for one month nener been able to recognize the behavior lingkungannya.Tingkah nener who are in nursery plots after the mixing of water from different places can be observed . Fish that have recognized the state of its environment and is capable of receiving water , will move against the flow .
When properly maintained nener the development work as expected. Things to consider is the growing natural food cover , growth klekap , supplementary feeding , irrigation management , maintaining water quality , and maintain the temperature . After over a month of milkfish fry are in a nursery plot / peneneran , it then moved kepetak spindles . At this age nener already measuring 5 cm .
Feeding should be increased again to spur development that has not reached the age of six months can be harvested milkfish . Once the logs are in the plot , the fish kept for 2 months . Then transferred to the enlargement of the plot is always accompanied by problems such as the emergence of fish competitors and predators .5 . Penggelolaan Water Quality

Bisnis online         Water quality in accordance with the needs of the fish should be maintained . If there is a sudden change , immediately sought recovery of that fish are not stressed or die . Serious attention towards this would be a satisfactory outcome menbuahkan Because quality is closely related to the natural food growing .6 . Controlling Feed ( Natural and Artificial )

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